Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Design Principles In Art and Design

I have began to analyze the design principles as they relate to Arts/Fashion. I have also looked closely at Form and Function as this relates to a lot of designers work.

There are various areas of the design principles...
- Balance
- Emphasis
- Focal Point
- Illusion

So what is meant by all of these things?

Design Elements and principles describe ideas about the practice of good visual design. The designers principles are used in all visual design fields this can include graphic design, industrial design, architecture and fine art. Fashion designers use this process on the basis of there designs. However sticking to the brief I have been looking at designers that consider sustainability within their collections as this is a growing issue I then also considered the use of form and function in their work...

What is Form and Function?
A simple example of what form and function is:
For instance a car, a car has to work first before you consider the design. Form always follows the function.

Another prime example of Form and Function is the NASA Spacesuit...

- NASA has taken two approaches. The first concerns the physical well-being and fitness of the astronaut (function)

- The second is the development of the space suit, which effectively acts as a second skin and enhances breathing, vision and walking.

- To perform tasks outside the aircraft the astr
onaut must wear the suit.

The form of the spacesuit was then developed when mobility was a greater issue the Apollo Spacesuit. They were designed to allow astronauts to go on actual space walks on the moon but the flexibility was not enough.

How did NASA then develop this?

The suits were then developed too allow leg and waist movements allowing astronauts to bend and stretch.

This is a prime example of where form has followed functi on.

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