' You will research into the uses of photoshop and illustrator by artists and designers. You will look at fashion illustration as well as graphics and fine art.'
- Brief
Whilst looking over the internet to find new techniques in illustration I came across a interesting site which showed me new ways to experiment.
http://abduzeedo.com/ You might find this site useful too!
Inspiration from Graphic designer Carol Rivello, her main interests are to work with web design, art direction and illustration.
Step one: To create a rough sketch or drawing of the image you want to create, I found this useful because then you have something to go off and digitalize.
You can then select parts of your illustration and edit them in illustrator this works well because you can experiment with different areas and adjust by using various different tools. Ancor point converter I found useful where you can select a point and turn it into a curve!
Scanning images in and then editing is a new way to experiment with shapes on photoshop and illustrator I am in the process of experimenting with this a creating new shapes and learning new skills through the process.
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