Tuesday 28 June 2011

Is it really a surprise Jane Norman has gone into administration?

More than 1600 jobs at risk, debts of 140m but didn't they see the signs that they were simply not moving on with the times?

These days big fashion retail stores have to be on top of the game to sell in this current economical climate. With the credit crunch hitting Britain hard people think twice about digging into their pocket for a branded garment. Jane Norman is in the middle sector of the high street market however their garments can still be quiet pricey for the average person as a pose to Primark where the store offers cheaper more affordable fashions for the FAD market.

However just because people are not digging into their pockets as much as they use to there is still a huge demand for middle sector high streets brands. From the likes of Miss Selfridge, Topshop, and Topman have jumped in sales over the last 12 months to 13% this is a massive£213.6 million!! Recession? what recession?

Jane Norman, Top-shop, Miss Selfridge, Top-man, and River Island all aim at a similar market with clothes all in the same price range aiming at similar target audiences and having stores in the same towns these shops are all competitors. With all the other stores boosting their sales bar Jane Norman what really did go wrong?

Its all to do with how you market your store, have you moved on with the times? advertising campagins that remind consumers your store is out there, promotions loyality cards student discount where is this with Jane Norman? When I was younger I can remember buying a nylon patterned top from Jane Norman..

Very similar to the one above was lovely at the time but when fashion moved on I wouldn't even step out my front door in it! I was so happy to go into school with a carrier bag with the logo Jane Norman in printed on it. However that was at the time! The Jane Norman bags have never changed in a period of 3-4 years there not telling the consumer any different the store has not experimented with different styles, shapes, or colors believe me I'm a young girl I know!. I could walk in the shop today and buy a nylon top similar to the one I did four years ago. To put it bluntly I would be hanging me head in shame at the thought of wearing a nylon top marked with the Jane Norman brand!

In order to move on with the times and stay in this tough market. Every day your store needs to be offering new shapes in garments, experimenting with color and having a very strong marketing campaign that screams out to consumers to buy your garments. Without this in the recession the store will be a epic fail.

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